• Posts

  • Call for feeds: Make your region available in our open transit router

    You may have already read about it on Volkers blog: we together with people from other public transport related projects are building a public transport routing service called Transitous. While of course our main motivation is to use it in KDE Itinerary, KDE’s travel planning app, it will be open...

  • New countries in KDE Itinerary

    Lithuania and Latvia Caused by a small discussion about how it is difficult to get from Berlin to Riga by train, and in direct consequence a quick look at how the official app for trains in Latvia finds its connections, I added support for it in KDE Itinerary. KDE Itinerary...

  • Woodpecker CI with automatic runner creation

    I’ve been happily using Woodpecker CI to get CI for my repositories on Codeberg. Codeberg is a non-profit community-driven git repository hosting platform, so they can’t provide free CI to everyone. Since I run lots of stuff on small arm boards (for example this website), I need my CI jobs...

  • FutureSQL 0.1.0 released

    I’m happy to announce the first release of FutureSQL, a library for accessing SQLite (and other databases) in Qt projects without blocking. It also features a migration system and automatic result deserialization. For examples, please have a look at the README. You can fetch the release from KDE’s download server....

  • Recent AudioTube improvements

    Since the last post about AudioTube, a lot has happened! So in this blog post, you can find a summary of the important changes. Notable new features Library AudioTube now has a library, in which you can see your favourite, most often and recently played songs. Filtering through previous searches...

  • Connecting an electric typewriter to a modern computer

    My blog post writing delay is huge right now, sorry for that, but here it finally is: the writeup of the typewriter technology I experimented with in January. This is about a SIGMA SM 8200i typewriter, which my parents gave to me for entertainment purposes when I was a child....

  • Debian on an x86_64 tablet

    Recently I got an older Intel tablet, specifically the mpman Converter 102. It is one of the devices that have a 64-bit processor but a 32-bit UEFI. This makes booting normal linux distribution images impossible. This device had another limitation, it didn’t have a menu to boot from USB. Taking...

  • DDNS with Hetzner DNS

    Some of the services I host are hosted behind dynamic DNS. There are lots of services to automatically update the dns records if the IP changes, but most of them are not free or require regular confirmation of the domain. I wanted to have a solution that is as standard...

  • AudioTube nightly builds available

    This is good news for all of you that have been asking for AudioTube binaries. A nightly flatpak build is now built regularly on KDE’s binary factory. The community wiki explains how to install from the nightly repository. In the meantime I have been working on getting AudioTube through KDEReview,...

  • AudioTube, a client for YouTube Music

    Recently I started working on a small new project, AudioTube. It is a client for YouTube Music made with Kirigami that works equally well on mobile devices and desktops. Many of us use streaming services nowadays to find new music. For those of us who are using a Pine Phone,...

  • How I stand working with Windows VMs

    Sometimes you find yourself in the need of having to use Windows, to port your applications to the platform using the awesome Craft buildsystem. Since as Plasma users, the Windows GUI (especially the Powershell terminal emulator) is most likely only going to be a disappointment, let’s set up an openssh...

  • Rust in a KDE Project

    While trying to implement a long planned feature, an ad block in Angelfish, the Plasma Mobile webbrowser, I was looking for a mostly complete and performant library that provides this functionality. First I found libadblockplus, which is a C++ library providing the AdblockPlus core functionality. Sounds great, right? Well, not...

  • A month of git-lab

    About a month ago I published the initial version of git-lab, a command line client for GitLab. Lots of new features have been added since then, and I hope you’ll find them useful. Tobias Fella and especially Benjamin Port joined and brought this project forward. Benjamin Port refactored the command...

  • How to make life easier for your future self wanting to port your apps to compiled QML

    Compiled QML is the new feature in Qt6 which makes many people look forward to the Qt6 release. Most of us already maintain or contribute to projects which make use of QML, so let’s make sure we can use compiled QML in our projects once its available. First, a disclaimer:...

  • Introducing a command line client for GitLab

    As KDE is currently migrating from Phabricator to GitLab, it’s a goood time to compare the advantages and disadvantages of both platforms. For phabricator, one of the disadvantages for me is the non-repository-focused structure. For example you can’t easily get to the patches submitted for a project from its repository....

  • Using kdesrc-build with a custom Qt

    Although kdesrc-build supports building Qt5 just like the KDE Frameworks, I prefer to use the prebuilt Qt binaries from qt.io for testing against alpha and beta releases. This saves me a lot of time on my machine, which is not powerful enough to compile the full Qt in a reasonable...

  • 2018 Summary

    A lot of what happend in the open-source projects I’m involved in in 2018 hasn’t been covered in my blog, which I want to fix in this slightly delayed year summary. Akademy I attended Akademy, the annual conference of KDE developers and users. It was the first time I met...

  • Plasma Mobile on the bq Aquaris U

    After a nearly too long time of no new posts on this blog, I finally have something to write about again: Plasma Mobile finally runs on my phone. I restarted the Halium port which I already wrote about herel nearly from scratch, based on the new device tree from LineageOS,...

  • Kaidan on Plasma Mobile

    Thanks to Bhushan Shahs recent work, I could test Kaidan on Plasma Mobile today. Here is how it looks like: Kaidan running on Plasma Mobile in tablet mode Notifications in Plasma Mobile Plasma Mobile’s quick settings and notification menu Kaidan’s new messages counter

  • Introduction to debian packaging

    Over the last weeks I got the impression that many people think of debian packaging as as a sort of black magic. It may seem like it is, because it’s sometimes hard to get started, but it’s quite easy once you know a few basic commands. First, setting up a...

  • Debian rootfs for Halium

    _,met$$$$$gg. root@chaozu ,g$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$P. ----------- ,g$$P" """Y$$.". OS: Debian GNU/Linux buster/sid armv7l ,$$P' `$$$. Host: Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. MSM8937-PMI8950 QRD SKU1 DVT1 ',$$P ,ggs. `$$b: Kernel: 3.18.31-perf-g680cc1490f5 `d$$' ,$P"' . $$$ Uptime: 6 mins $$P d$' , $$P Packages: 371 $$: $$. - ,d$$' Shell: bash 4.4.12 $$; Y$b._ _,d$P' Terminal:...

  • Debian and OpenRC

    Today I experimented with using the OpenRC initsystem in debian. I did all the steps in a virtual machine, but they should work on real hardware too. After installing debian in the VM using a netinstall image of debian stretch, I could directly start converting the system to OpenRC. This...

  • Porting an Android device to Halium

    The device I started to port is the BQ Aquaris U, codenamed chaozu. Unfortunately, the device is not yet supported by LineageOS as an official device, but a device tree by aquaris-dev exists. I won’t repeat the whole porting guide here, so if you don’t know Halium yet but want...

  • Getting text and tables out of PDF files

    Recently I wanted to improve the timetable of out school, but it is only available in PDF format which isn’t easy to turn into a real html webpage. At least that was what I thought first. The PDF file contains text on the first page, and a table on the...

  • My experiences with moving git repositories

    Moving a gist to a real github or gitea / gogs repository Sometimes you start writing a small script which doesn’t need a real git repository because it’s just one file, but after a while the script grows and is not only one file anymore. Maybe you also need pull...

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